December Special Prediction
By Psychic Mystic Madam Misty Murky Merkel
My Election predics were spot on. Dems did much better than expected, but Repubs pulled off a couple of surprises. I predict next year will be full of turmoil and struggle. Especially if I don't get my septic tank pumped by January. If that new trailer park manager doesn't get around and get my septic pumped, I'll have a nasty looking ice skating pond in my yard.
In finance, I predict the price of gold will rise this December. I hope it does. I've got a tooth that needs to be pulled and it has a gold crown on it. I could use some holiday spending money right now, so I can walk down to the liquor store and pick up about a gallon of Thunderbird and a couple pounds of cheese for the holidays. Then my holiday shopping will be done.
I just send cards to mom and my two sisters, Christy and Twisty. I don't know which holidays any of them celebrate, so i just send them a get well card. I figure this time of the year, they're probably nursing a hangover most of the time. Sometimes one of them even sends me a card back. I got one from Twisty in 2007. It was a "Congratulations, It's A Boy" card but I think she was referring to my new goldfish. Not sure how she knew it was a boy. I had the goldfish for two weeks before it died, and I never did figure out what sex it was.
My final prediction for December is that it will be a cold and snowy month. Truly, it will be colder than any of the last six months.
My final, final.prediction for December has to do with Santa Claus. Cut him some slack this year if he don't bring you what you want. It seems Mrs. Claus caught Santa and a couple of his elves playing with each others toys. Now Mrs. Claus has started divorce proceedings and I predict it's going to get nasty.
Happy Holidays to both of my readers.
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